Case Study

Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity

We are dedicated to giving the best possible Business Critical Mail & Transactional Billing services to our clients. We are also committed to ensuring we have business tested solutions in place when there’s a change to normal, day-to-day production. To minimise any disruption to our service, we have a 2nd site situated just a few miles away from our main production site.

Our 2nd site situated in Stretton on the outskirts of Burton upon Trent, is a fully operational unit used on a daily basis for live work. Here, we continually update and back-up data from the main site to our duplicate servers and we also keep sufficient stationery, inserts and envelopes for all our clients, should an unexpected need arise.

Having a 2nd site is also extremely useful, not only as a DR contingency, but also when our clients require extra capacity, especially during busy periods. We can simply expand our production capacity to meet often very tight timescales.

Customer Confidence

It’s all well and good talking about DR and BC but how do we know it will work when an incident occurs? Simple; we test it regularly for all our clients. On a given date, we decamp; we move all our production from the main site to the 2nd site and complete a minimum of one full working day’s production. Only by doing this can we be totally confident that our robust planning and systems work.

So, should PHD Mail need extra capacity, we’ve got it close by. We know it works because we use it daily and, unlike some Disaster Recovery solutions, PHD Mail manage and control its own solution.